All Athletes are required to compete in the correct Centre Uniform including shirt, shorts and hat. Click on the red button to be taken to our online uniform store. Collection is available from all home meets and training sessions. Alternatively, you can purchase uniform during home meets. EFTPOS and cash payments are accepted.

Full price list (2023/2024):

Item Cost
Uniform set (Centre shirt, shorts & hat) $85.00
Polo shirt $42.00
Bike shorts $35.00
Soccer shorts $35.00
Running shorts $35.00
Bucket hats $15.00
Socks $15.00
Hoodies $55.00
Jackets $50.00
Pack of 14 x 7mm spikes (approved for use at SA Athletics Stadium) $10.00

Uniform guideĀ 

Athletes should wear correct centre uniform at all home and away meets after registration. This is vital at Association and Regional events, where failure to do so will result in disqualification. The registration number is to be attached to the centre front of the shirt, the age group badge on the top left chest area.

Athletes may wear shorts, sports briefs or two-way stretch above the knee shorts (commonly referred to as bike shorts or skins) they must be plain black with no visible logo.

Tiny tots do not need to wear GGLAC uniform and may wear generic dark/navy blue shorts and red polo. The registration number patch and the age group number must still be affixed to the polo top as per the image.

Suitable footwear is to be worn at all times. Athletes may not compete in bare feet. Hats must be worn at all times when not actively competing.

Please also refer to the LASA Uniform Regulations.