This policy outlines the procedures to ensure that minor grievances and/or complaints raised by members (including members of the Committee), volunteers, stakeholders or community members are dealt with in a prompt and equitable manner. For complaints of a more serious nature please refer to the association complaints and grievance policy and the member protection policy.
It is recognised that people associated with the Centre will from time to time have minor grievances or complaints that need to be resolved in the interest of maintaining good relationships.
GGLAC believes that:
- People have the right to have their grievances receive careful consideration through established processes that are timely and based on fairness and respect
- The best resolution is one that is reached cooperatively and informally where possible prior to a formal complaint being lodged in writing
- A person making a complaint or airing a grievance will not be disadvantaged in anyway as a direct result
- Where a formal complaint is received by the Committee it will be considered in a timely and confidential manner and documented together with the steps towards resolution
Steps to Making a Complaint / Achieving Resolution
- Speak to the person causing the problem and inform them of the behaviour, decision or action that the complaint or grievance refers to. Discuss possible solutions
- Speak to a Committee Member for advice on possible solutions and/or intervention
- Make a formal complaint in writing to the Committee
Formal Complaint Procedure
A person who chooses to make their grievance or complaint formal must do so in writing to the Committee.
- Once a formal complaint is received it will be referred to the President (unless the complaint directly concerns the President) for discussion and recording (see attached Grievance / Complaints Record)
- Contact will be made with the complainant within 7 days of the receipt of the complaint
- If another party is involved they will be fully informed of the full details of what is being said and a meeting will be established between the parties with a selected mediator
- If the grievance is substantiated and unresolved the matter will be referred to the next Committee Meeting or if deemed more urgent, a Special Meeting will be called. This may also involve the parties concerned
- The complainant and respondent will be informed of a decision in writing
- If this does not result in a suitable resolution, or there is dissatisfaction with the handling of the complaint, the matter will be referred to the association and the relevant policies will be adhered to
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee.
Policy developed: Jul 2015
Policy reviewed without changes: Jul 2016, Jul 2017, Jul 2018, Feb 2020, Feb 2021, Oct 2023
Date for next review: Oct 2024
Grievance / Complaints Record
How were details of the grievance or complaint received? Please tick √ | Phone | Verbal | Letter | Other |
Who made the complaint?
Name: | |||
Address: | |||
Email: | Tel: | Mobile: |
Account of the complaint:
What was the issue? Did it involve another party or parties? If so, who? What happened, when |
Complaint Received By:
Name: | |
Position: | |
Date and time complaint received: |
Complaint referred to: E.g. Committee, Mediator | Date: |
Complainant contacted: Other parties contacted: | Date: Date: |
Details of the process of investigation and any discussions. What was learnt that contributed to decision-making |
Assessment of scope, severity and potential impact of the grievance or complaint. |
Details of decisions made and proposed actions to be taken |
Complainant and Respondent (If any) informed of decision in writing | Date informed: |
If complainant/respondent satisfied with response – CASE CLOSED | Date: |
If complainant is not satisfied meet to discuss alternative methods of resolution. | Date: |